Today, I had the opportunity to return to the Nephin Begs to complete the Glendahurk Loop Walk. The hike took me to the summits of Glenamong and the two Corrannabinnas, and I also had the chance to traverse the renowned Arete between the two for the very first time.
Read MoreA great hike into the wild remote Nephin Beg range of mountains today is somewhat conflicted with an image of a renewable energy wind farm on the other side of the mountain.
Read MoreToday, I went on a hiking adventure to capture some stunning images of the Doo Lough valley. I followed the Bunleemshough River back to its source in Corrydavit, surrounded by high hills on three sides. The loop of hills provided breathtaking views of Clew Bay, the Sheeffry Hills, and Mweelrea, the highest mountain in Connaught. The remnants of snow still lying on top of the mountains made for an even more enjoyable sight.
Read MoreA short walk in the remoteness of a part of Connemara
Read MoreToday, I take a hectic trek along the northern side of Maumtrasna to visit the three glacial corries of Luga Buidhe, Luga Gowlan, and Luga Kippen to see if there is anything interesting to see.
Read MoreToday's walk calls for a hike across the Corraun plateau near Achill Island to take in the breathtaking views and vistas from Corraun Hill and Slieve Aghkerane.
Read MoreA short hike around part of the Benwee loop walk beside Portacloy, North Mayo, to shoot the stags of Broadhaven and visit Look out Post number 63
Read MoreA bout of COVID, among other things, has kept me from hiking until now. I trekked to Corranabinnia's south-west summit, which is just under 700 meters high. This trip could be considered the second part of the Glendahurk loop walk.
Read MoreA nice hike on the Farbreiga near Pontoon sees me climbing about 400 meters to the mountain's summit and ascending a slew of other smaller hills in the locality.
Read MoreRambling Image "If you can see it, you can shoot it"
All forms of outdoor recreation have a higher level of risk than most ordinary activities, and therefore can be potentially hazardous and/or dangerous. This includes hiking and especially off-trail landscape photography hiking. Risk is always a factor in hiking and off-trail adventure hiking, especially when weather is adverse or unpredictable, or when unforeseen events or conditions create a hazardous condition. There are many risks, both natural and/or man-made, that could lead to injury or death while hiking, especially while off-trail hiking. For these reasons, it is the responsibility of the users of this website to learn the necessary skills for safe hiking and off-trail hiking. All participants must assume responsibility for their own actions and safety, exercise sound judgment, be prepared for all conditions, and seek advice on current weather and current trail conditions. These conditions change from day to day, and from season to season, therefore rendering any information on this website subject to change without warning. Although the author tries to make the information contained on this website, Rambling Image, as accurate as possible, I disclaim any liability for accident, loss, injury, inconvenience or any other damage that may be sustained by anyone using the information contained on this website. Those who use this information, and those who venture onto trails or into the wilderness, do so at their own risk. You are solely responsible for using your judgment in interpreting and using this information to safely enjoy your own outdoor pursuits.The information contained on this website, Rambling Image is not to be considered a guide, instead, it is available so that you may have a general idea of what to expect on the hikes listed in the blog or other articles on this site. I take no responsibility nor assume liability for inaccuracies, errors, omission, or incompleteness of any information. Please note that the included GPS coordinates are also provided only as general guides, and you should not rely on their accuracy, as GPS readings are subject to error and may provide inaccurate directions. Rambling Image and/or anyone contributing information to this site shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, accidents, rescues, injuries or loss of life should you undertake any of the walks/hikes listed in the blogs or other articles of this website. This site has made every attempt to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding content and copyright. Please notify me immediately if you are aware of any copyright issues related to this site.
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