27 Aug

OSI 37

"Leave the road, take the trails."


The shores of Lough Inagh in County Galway offer a unique and breathtaking experience for nature enthusiasts and hikers alike. The trail, although only partially indicated on the Ordnance Survey Map, is a hidden gem that provides stunning mountain views and a nature sanctuary that is not to be missed.

This area is part of the Coilte Wild Western Peatlands area. Coilte, the state forestry company of Ireland, has recently initiated a project to restore and rehabilitate approximately 2,100 hectares of Atlantic blanket bog and wet heath that are currently planted with commercial spruce and pine forests. This restoration project will create a more sustainable and diverse ecosystem that will benefit the local flora and fauna, as well as the surrounding communities.

This short trail certainly delivers a punch in terms of scenery, and anyone who finds themselves in the area should check it out. They won’t be disappointed. It is a perfect blend of educational and entertaining, making it a great activity for families or solo hikers. So why not take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lough Inagh?

Looking over at Derryclare Nature Reserve, The trail runs through the forest, and access is from the main road.


A mountain ash marks the entrance to this great trail. 

The vistas improve steadily as we progress along the trail.

The contrast between the hard-looking mountains and the lush foliage makes the scenery stand out!

Bencorrbeg, nature makes sure that it all just fits together perfectly! 

Great light in the background, illuminating the foliage in front and casting a shadow in the trees.

Looking back towards Derryclare and Ben Corr.

A peat-coloured mountain river flows down the hill and under the road in front of us as it makes its way to Lough Inagh.

With evening closing in, a ray of fleeting light moves over the landscape.

The colours on the trail of Lough Inagh Forest Trail.

Wonderful light illuminating up the whole valley is just outstanding !

πŸ‘ Sheep, just great posers !  πŸ˜Š

Carpe Diem

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