26 Aug

โ€œThe higher you climb on the mountain, the harder the wind blows.โ€

Sam Cummings

Diamond Hill in County Galway's Connemara National Park is a must-see for anyone visiting the area. This 442-metre hill is a popular destination for hikers and tourists, and for good reason. Despite the low clouds and windy weather on the day of my visit, the climb was both enjoyable and leisurely.

From the moment you arrive at Connemara National Park, Diamond Hill is the first mountain you encounter. Its prime location in the tourism area and the breathtaking views from the summit make it a top choice for visitors. The summit was initially clear, but as I began to climb, clouds slowly rolled in and covered the top of the mountain. However, the entire route is composed of paving stones and boardwalk sections, making it easy to climb. The steepest sections have step-like paving slabs, and the slopes near the top are also tiered with the same type of stone. The route forms a figure eight, and it is advised to travel in a clockwise direction once you get on the higher slope.

While the cloud cover limited my photo opportunities, the descent provided a great view towards the Atlantic, which became clearer as I got below the clouds. During the climb up, I had the pleasure of meeting four French visitors on top of Diamond Hill. They were doing part of the Atlantic Way by car and stopped off here to see the sights. They were coming from County Clare and heading into County Mayo next, with plans to visit Achill Island the following day. They said they were having a great time, especially experiencing the Irish pubs.

If you're planning a trip to the Connemara National Park, a climb up Diamond Hill is a must. The hike is both educational and entertaining, with stunning views and paved pathways that make the climb easy for hikers of all skill levels. Just remember to pack your camera and hope for clear skies!

One of the many โ€œYou are hereโ€ display boards on the hill.

The ascent is made easier by a not-too-steep approach path leading to the mountain.


Boardwalks make up some of the pathways around the hill

Paving-type blocks form the steps on the steeper slopes higher up.

Looking out towards the Atlantic Ocean

The view north from the ascent

Gullies abound and show the water flow, indicating the wet weather we are having at the moment.

Mathilde et Esther avec deux de leurs amies font une pause photo aprรจs avoir gravi la colline du Diamant.

Cloudy and moody clouds darken the landscape

The view up to Diamond Hill from around the Interpretative Centre.

Stopping at Kylemore Lough to get a shot of Diamond Hill on the way home.

Carpe Diem

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