11 Sep

β€œA line is a dot that went for a walk.”

Paul Klee

If you're looking for a peaceful and scenic walk, the Lettershanbally Loop in County Galway is definitely worth exploring. This 8.5-kilometre track takes you through a variety of landscapes, from young forest to blanket bog and rocky outcrops.

As part of the Coilte range of walks, the Lettershanbally Loop is well maintained and easy to navigate. You'll even get to enjoy a kilometre-long boardwalk that winds through the hills, adding to the picturesque scenery.

One of the highlights of the walk is the chance to explore some of the megalithic structures that are scattered throughout the area. By following the Western Way route north, you can extend your trek and discover even more of these fascinating historical sites.

Overall, the Lettershanbally Loop is an excellent choice for a Sunday stroll or a day out with family and friends. With its peaceful atmosphere and stunning natural beauty, this walk is sure to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

So why not pack a picnic, put on your walking shoes, and head out to County Galway for a day of educational and entertaining exploration? You won't be disappointed!

The OSI map doesn't show the route through the Coilte forest, but Lettershanvalley Wood is clearly visible.

The loop walk is shown on the map board at the entrance to Lettershanvally Wood from the R344.

Two sheep skulls look ominously down from a tree as we pass by.

It is unusual to see rhododendron bloom in September, but to some extent, this happens every autumn. The hours of daylight and darkness are the same in the autumn as in the spring, and the temperatures are a similar combination of warm days and cool nights. Since we also usually have a few good falls of rain after a dry spell in the summer, all of this adds up to these conditions, giving the plants the false idea that it’s spring.

In good shape and at the top of the route, the boardwalk meanders through the young trees.

"Terrain upheaval" trees that fell down at some time in the forest

Carpe Diem

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